
  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 06:00 PM
    Shawnee State Uniiversity, Portsmouth OH

    Samantha Meadows Speech at Shawnee State University

    On Wednesday, Sept. 11, Samantha Meadows will be attending an event at Shawnee State University, in Portsmouth OH. As a former student at the college, Samantha is honored to have been invited to come and to make a presentation about her Congressional campaign. Details, including time and location on the SSU campus, are still to be confirmed. So please check back regularly with this section for confirmation.

  • Monday, September 23, 2024 at 06:00 PM
    Georgetown OH

    Samantha Meadows at Brown Co. Fair & Parade

    On Monday, Sept. 23, Samantha Meadows will be attending and appearing in the annual Brown Co. Parade, in Georgetown OH. The parade – a well-loved traditional event in Georgetown which kicks off the annual, five-day fair at the Brown Co. Fairgrounds – takes place on the main highway outside of Georgetown and proceeds all the way into the center of town. Samantha will be joined by other area members of the Democratic Party from the region. So it's a great way to come out and show your support for all the Democratic candidates taking part in the parade. Please save the date for this fun and lively event and check back with this section for a confirmed time in the near future.